This is where the magic happens!
Plan now to join
Studio Study oil painting classes. Spaces are limited.

Brush up on what you know or turn a fresh corner.

Student Lynn's work-in-progress creating blossoms
From the beginner to the familiar...

Student Martha brings her piglet to life.
Studio Study Classes
focus on beginning setup including:
drawing, color, and design basics with individual attention a priority
Classes consist of 3 or 6-week studio study with still life.
Thursday, Friday or Saturday 9AM -12 noon
Classes held indoors at:
McCoole's Arts and Entertainment Center
Main Street Theater Gallery, 2nd Floor
located next to McCoole's Red Lion Inn
at Broad and Main Streets, Quakertown, PA
Weather permitting, classes are held outdoors (plien aire) at various local spots.

Fees: 3-class commitment $150 per tri-week ($50 per class) required.
Student supplies the necessary materials, or materials may be provided at an extra cost;
inquire prior to your first class.
For guidance and outline or more information:
contact Jim at 610.442.4112